Avoid Allowing London Office PCs to Lower Productivity Using these Tips

Apple Desktop for London Office Space

Choosing the best PC for your London office.

Advice on finding the best PC for your office or place of work.

One aspect of office daily life that is often taken for granted is your London office computer. Many companies simply opt for the cheapest possible solution and supply their employees with low standard, simple and particularly slow PCs. However, what they don’t consider is how the right kind of PC could vastly improve office productivity levels and potentially save them a lot of money in the long term.

Operating Systems


Firstly, many companies waste too much time waiting for PCs to start up or update. This can be avoided by purchasing faster computers with operating systems like Windows 7. However, to remove this problem almost entirely it is advisable that you get a Mac. That said, many Apple Macs would likely be too powerful for simple tasks in your London office and could be a waste of company money.


Secondly, consider reliability. If your computers are constantly crashing  then imagine the amount of money and time that is wasted whilst London office employees wait for their PC to start up again. Getting newer PCs or Macs and carrying out simple tasks such as disk cleanup can really improve the way your office computers perform and potentially save you money.

Work Away from the London Office

The last option to consider is allowing employees to use their own computers from home. However, this can actually cause additional productivity problems.  Employees would have open access to all their own games, bookmarks and software which could potentially lead to time wasting. Additionally not having uniform software companywide can result in work being in different formats which can also waste time.

Working from home rent space in London

Londonoffices.com are specialists in London office space, providing a free, personal service for companies seeking a London based home for their business. If you are looking for new office space within the capital call our consultants on +44 (0) 203 856 8704 to get the ball rolling.