Can Your Serviced Office Space in London Help to Beat the Competition?

Serviced office space in London South Kensington

Looking to gain an advantage over your competitors? Have you considered your offices? We look at three ways in which serviced office space in London can help you stand out from others in your industry.

Get strategic with location

Having a serviced office space in London right at the heart of your industry’s scene is an obvious, yet often very good choice to make. You are after all surrounded by the buzz, networking opportunities and, potential clients know where to find you. However, the chances are your competitors are here too, benefiting from exactly the same things. Is there a more strategic choice you can make?

When app development company InfoStretch looked into opening a London office they chose to set up not in Tech City, alongside potential competitors, but in Mayfair, alongside many of their clients. This made them more readily accessible for client meetings and events. Being a tech firm in an area dominated by private investment companies and hedge funds also helps them to stand out a lot more easily than they would amongst the hundreds of tech firms at Silicon Roundabout.

Old Street roundabout serviced office space in London

Looks matter

The aesthetics of a great serviced office space in London doesn’t just benefit the people who work in the building; they can also help to raise your profile and enhance your brand image too. Imagine being known as the company who works in these Alice in Wonderland offices or welcoming clients into this impressive Kensington space.

The more image-conscious your industry, the more important office design is likely to be. High-spec or highly creative serviced office space will allow your company to stand out. Creativity will also ensure that visiting your offices is a memorable and enjoyable experience. It might make for a great PR opportunity too.

West End serviced offices Mayfair

Move faster – Find serviced office space in London

Setting up a satellite office? Serviced office space in London is your key to establishing your presence quickly; something which could be critical in highly competitive locations.

Due to serviced office space in London being available on short-term agreements of just a few months, you can save yourself the months of legal negotiations which usually come with  long-term office leases. Therefore, that new office will be up and running far more quickly than competitors who are tied into conventional, long-term office space.

How does your serviced office space in London make a difference to your business? What are your experiences? Let us know in the comments below.

Finally, if you’re looking for more amazing offices, you’ll discover many examples in our Office Envy series.