Top Ten Employee Aggravations within London Offices Revealed

London offices annoyances steaming girl

Top ten London offices annoyances

Research survey shows worst annoyances in an office

A new survey from Opinium Research has revealed the top ten office annoyances for workers within the UK and London offices. Amongst other things the statistics show that two in three office workers are regularly stressed out by office annoyances and that office jargon is amongst one of the worst offenders.

The office annoyances are that bad for some people that they increase the stress levels for an astonishing 62 per cent or two out of three office workers in UK and London offices. On top of this an amazing 11 per cent or one in 10 have actually quit their jobs due to office annoyances. Furthermore, 19 per cent (two fifths) stated that they would think about leaving their London offices due to workplace aggravations.

Top of the list was grumpy or mood colleagues. However, this could obviously be the first side effect of the rest of the list being present. Slow working computers and office/managerial jargon also rated highly on the list. The company also ran a poll for the worst office jargon sayings and ‘thinking outside the box’ came top with a huge 21% of the votes.

Girl boxing a guy for annoying London offices phrases

Here is the list in full:

Grumpy or moody colleagues (37%)
Slow computers (36%)
Small talk/ gossip in the office (19%)
The use of office jargon or management speak (18%)
People speaking loudly on the phone (18%)
Too much health and safety in the work place (16%)
Poor toilet etiquette (16%)
People not turning up for meetings on time or at all (16%)
People not tidying up after themselves in the Kitchen (15%)
Too cold/ cold air conditioning (15%)

Many of the reasons stem from the behaviour of other London offices colleagues whereas other things that actually physically affect people rank near the bottom of the list.