Why is a Clean Office Space Important?
There are many reasons why you should keep a clean office space.
The presentation of your office will affect how clients perceive your business; a clean office will suggest a professional company whereas an untidy office will affect both visiting clients and the staff that work there.
Also, keeping your office clean and tidy affects how other staff members act in the workplace. It will hopefully encourage them to keep their office space tidy and clean up after themselves in areas like the kitchen.
With this in mind, here are a few simple tips on how you can keep your office tidy:
Don’t Use Post-It Notes– Post-It notes create unnecessary waste and can quickly pile up. Instead write down notes in a notepad or create post it notes on your computer with software like Post-It Digital Notes for Windows.
Organise your paperwork– Doing this can help you avoid clutter on your desk and free up space in the office. Organising your paperwork is easy enough, just separate the work into categories. You’ll need an inbox, a filing cabinet and somewhere to throw away unwanted paperwork (preferably a recycling bin). Simply keep the documents you haven’t started work on in the inbox and organise finished and important documents within the filing cabinet in a simple colour coded system.
Eat away from your desk– Eating at your desk not only creates trash like plastic cups and wrappers but it can also stink out the entire office. This one is easy to avoid, just eat outside or in the office kitchen.
Don’t print everything out– Printing every document you produce is bad practice in the digital age. Back up work that you don’t need printed on a memory stick or portable hard drive. Whilst initially you may find hard drives to be expensive, in the long run purchasing one for back ups will not only reduce waste, but save you money on paper costs.
If you follow these four simple steps you should be on your way to a cleaner and more productive office.